¡Aprende inglés donde, cuando y como quieras!

¿Cuál es tu objetivo? Tenemos cursos de todos los niveles, desde principiante hasta avanzado. Modalidades diferentes que se adaptan a las necesidades y la disponibilidad de tiempo de cada uno de nuestros alumnos. Encontrarás la formación necesaria para aprender y perfeccionar tu nivel de inglés al ritmo que necesites. Podrás trabajar de manera online, con nuestra metodología, podrás elegir el formato que más se adapte a tus necesidades, ya que las sesiones se impartirán de forma virtual.

Watch Intro Video

What is Jagra? Que es Jagra?

Jagra is the awakening. Jagra es el despertar

Learning made Easy.

JAGRA tu mejor opción para avanzar en tu carrera.Te apoyaremos en cada paso! Estamos seguros de que puedes hacerlo! Con JAGRA Online tienes más beneficios:

  • Contenidos diseñados a tus necesidades

  • Estudia a cualquier hora y desde cualquier lugar

  • Profesores profesionales certificados

  • Interacción con estudiantes internacionales de tu mismo nivel

  • Seguimiento continuo a tu desempeño para garantizar que logres tus objetivos en el idioma

  • Simulación de TOEFL® y evaluación de nivel TOEIC

  • Seminarios y Talleres mensuales, gratuitos que te permiten practicar desde tu celular (disponible para Android y IOS).

  • Inscripción y pago en línea

Look Who’s Talking!

You are!

One key goal almost every adult ESL student shares is gaining the ability to speak English with others. Luckily, you come to the classroom with a unique advantage. You have life experience. And, unlike younger students, they’ve typically already achieved a high level of proficiency in their native language. I Know You want to speak English as well as you speak your own native language—so what better way to speak English like your native language than to speak about the very same things that you speak about on a daily basis? ESL speaking activities work even better when they speak about their own personal recollections, thoughts and ideas on these topics too! Sure, games and interactive exercises definitely work—so, you can always do some fun activities with them. But when it comes to improving confidence and fluency, sometimes you just can’t beat a fine discussion. You know, a discussion like the ones they regularly have in their own language! Breaking out discussion questions like the ones we use in the WhatsApp club, questions about everyday things, works well because these types of questions really get the brain thinking, relate directly to a familiar situation and can even incite some fascinating discussions between you all. All this while you work, drive or simply sit back and listen!
WhatsApp Club chat


Inspiring Growth

  • Language / Idiomas

    English for everybody... We re here to help you. JAGRA LEARNING & JAGRA KIDS ¿Do you need to experience English, by regularly using it in conversation? ¿Do you want to improve your communication skills and become a more confident English speaker? !JAGRA is just what you need!

  • Conexión y espiritualidad

    Aprender a meditar es el mejor regalo que puedes hacerte en esta vida. Pues a través de la meditación puedes emprender el viaje hacia el descubrimiento de tu verdadera naturaleza y encontrar así la estabilidad y la confianza que necesitarás para vivir, y morir, bien. La meditación es el camino hacia la iluminación

  • Cuida tu salud / Sistema de Alimentación Evolutiva

    Con Alimentación Evolutiva no sólo tratamos la salud del cuerpo físico, también reconocemos a nuestros cuerpos emocionales, psicológicos y espirituales. La invitación es que a través de la observación, el conocimiento y la comunión con la naturaleza, adquieras herramientas que te lleven a comprender los diferentes cuerpos.


Happiness Coach

Alberto Gutierrez

Leadership Coach, Happiness Coach, Performance Coach. About Me I help high achievers, business leaders and seasoned professionals create their desired future. My clients feel a strong need to do more, recognize that growing requires the humility to seek help, and have a lifelong hunger for learning. They want to work with someone who lifts them up, encourages them, shares their vision and unleashes their inherent potential to be more and have more, so they can give more of their unique genius to the world. They are 100% committed to investing in themselves and to aligning their priorities with their purpose, passion and potential. Whether you are frustrated with living below your potential or seeking new challenges, my coaching empowers you to improve your critical thinking skills and increase your self-awareness. From this benchmark, I place another perspective on top of yours—connecting you to your inner wisdom—stretching and growing you to see a more empowering way to get from where you are to where you want to be.

Director of children's Learning Development

Jessica Ramirez

Hello! I’m Jessica. I’m the founder of Jagra Kids, with a powerful group of intelligent, determined, strong, inspiring people who are teaching English as a second (or third, fourth, fifth) language. Women thrive when they support each other. That’s what happens here. This community helps the individuals in it to achieve the dreams we thought were impossible. Being a part of it makes me believe in myself, feel inspired to take on new challenges, overcome fears and become a better, more confident version of me.

Director of Operations

Karla Ubando

My name is Karla, a Biologist by profession and an English teacher by calling and passion. I've been a teacher for almost 15 years now, and I love every single thing I've learned from all the people I've had the chance to meet. English has opened up doors I never imagined and it has also brought incredible opportunities to grow and keep learning. I see JAGRA®️ as a new challenge that will make me a better teacher and person, because it encourages me to find a way to help people finally reach their goals. I hope you realize how close you get to the finish line with every step you take!